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Old 11-16-2006, 11:12 PM
erc007 erc007 is offline
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Default Re: 20/180 early AJ resteal

I'm not sure that I like/understand your pre-flop play here. If you are reraising b/c u think u have the best hand, then why not push over his 4-bet? If he is as bad as u say, he might call with AT or KQ. If you play enough 20/180's then u know that this type of guy is not going to fold to your 3-bet. The 3-bet is bad b/c is only bloats the pot, leaving you OOP w/out a made hand. In a typical 20/180 the only hands that I would 3-bet from the blinds here are QQ-AA. I would probably call w/JJ and TT and push w/AK. The thing about your hand is its not very far ahead of this guy's preflop range (and his range is probably huge.) IMO, calling his 4-bet mini-raise is your worst play here by far. You're OOP w/ a very medicore hand and one more bet/call and you're pot-committed. What do u do when the flop comes K92? Either fold to his 4-bet (bad option), or push after he makes it 500 to go. I would push this preflop everytime, but I wouldn't get into this spot wAJ. The turn is tough getting 6 to 1, with 5-9 outs (probably 5/6) I guess u have to call here since you're 7 to 1 to hit an ace or a queen.
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