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Old 11-22-2005, 06:24 PM
MLG MLG is offline
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Default Re: Play a Hand With the Masters #3 Flop B

3 reasons to call and wait for the turn:

1. Many made hands will hang themselves on the turn, but will fold to a flop 3-bet. Hands like A9/K9/JJ will almost always put more money in on the turn but fold to the flop 3-bet. This is very important.

2. Many/most drawing hands will put more money in on the turn here even when they miss. AJ of hearts will follow through on the turn even when it misses, so will all sorts of combo draws. Now we get the money in as a bigger favorite. Or, if they hit we at least maybe dont go broke (alhtough except for the worst cards we still probably end u losing a lot while we call down).

3. Much less important, we sometimes don't go broke against better made hands.

The usual argument here against calling is that a scare card on the turn will lose us action against weaker made hands. Thing is, in this spot those made hands you are worried about losing action against will often fold the flop anyway if we 3bet. I just dont see you losing all that much action from a big draw that misses the turn.
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