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Old 11-16-2006, 12:38 AM
Grim Rapper Grim Rapper is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 15
Default Re: Top 10 U.S. friendly poker site snubbed by PokersiteScout!!!

What network do you think is snubbed?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think it, I know they are being snubbed. When I wrote PSS to suggest they consider listing it, they replied they have costs and wouldn't do so unless they got compensated for it.

Now that's fine and dandy, but don't come across to forum readers as the source for accurate numbers on Poker Networks. They are now nothing more than paid affiliates for only listing sites on a pay per view basis.

If it was a small miniscule site, one that didn't rank significantly higher than many already listed, I could see them taking a stand. But this site isn't small and apparently, they refuse to pay PSS to be listed.

Therefore, PSS is flawed info, not accurate, and incomplete.
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