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Old 11-15-2006, 12:57 AM
thejerkface thejerkface is offline
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Default Re: Flopped Boat, Turn Quads in Re-raised Pot

I basically think I have two options on the flop:
1. Check-raise. Hopefully, he'll call with AA or KK, b/c he'll think I'm on a draw.

2. Check-call. I'd do this to under-rep my hand and hope he'd put me on an underpair and try to push me off on the turn. If I check-call, I think checking the turn on almost all turn cards is mandatory to give him a chance to bluff. However, in this spot I'm not so sure. If I had an underpair, I might lead out to steal the pot away from AK hands b/c my hand has no showdown value. That's why I'm not sure if I should lead out here. AA, KK, or AK could end up thinking I'm FOS and call my bet. There's also a chance he could shove over me with a bluff hand. Anyone like the idea of a weak lead, about 1/2 pot sized?

I ended up checking and he checked behind. The River brought a King, for a final board of JJQQK. Effective stacks are $750 and there's $500 in the pot. What's my play?
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