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Old 11-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Redskins5326 Redskins5326 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default Re: Starting info on hand reading?

I am by no means a spectacular player, but there are a few things that I take into account while reading people.
1. What type of player are they- When you are in a pot with a tight player it narrows the hands down significantly, usually AJ or better and pocket pairs. However a loose player is much harder to read because they could have 4 5 offsuit or pocket aces.
Take into account their actions in unique situations- If their betting, ask yourself; What hands would they bet in this situation?
Like you said compile the information as you go and fit it together like a puzzle. How does their preflop action reflect on their postflop action. How do they fit together.
Betting Patterns- If everytime your opponent flops a huge hand he min bets make sure you remember this, these are a lot harder to find among good players.
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