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Old 11-12-2006, 01:14 PM
canis582 canis582 is offline
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Default Bush loses reading contest!

But he lost it to Karl Rove, so its ok.

Of course, if Rove was working a little harder during the campaign, according to Bush, the president would have won the reading contest and Republicans would at least have the senate.

There is gonna be a big break up. The new defense guy was brought in by the Bush 41 cabal to purge the pentagon of its neocon cancer.

Bush's people dont want him to get blamed because it would tarnish the whole family's ($$$$) name and diminish their influence ($$$$). Will Bush commit drastic actions during his last 2 years?

Cheney says "im not getting blamed." Will he be replaced?

Rummy says "im not getting...awww crap...BUY THE BOOK!!!!"