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Old 11-10-2006, 11:41 AM
Performify Performify is offline
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Default Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***

Your comment is disgraceful given that you are a moderator. He and other people started flinging around insults, calling me a "dick" and a "bastard" when I did nothing but give advice, and you claim I'm the one at fault because he's a "valuable contributor" and I'm "not much of a contributor." Way to be an impartial moderator!

The funniest part is that I've been posting here since 1999, long before the "sports betting" board was even a twinkle in Mason Malmuth's eye.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're reading way to much in to my post. And I'll certainly defend it as anything but "disgraceful".

My first post in this thread, I said exactly the following:


Chill here, <u>everyone</u>.

Lets not derail what's so far been a pretty interesting discussion devolving in to personal attacks.

[/ QUOTE ]

The underlined-for-emphasis EVERYONE was targeted at you, Homer, everyone. EVERYONE. Several people are out of line in this forum, yourself included.

I am not, and was not taking sides.

Secondly I come through and say:


Now this is the kind of stuff that can really piss me off... when some person who really isn't much of a contributor comes on and does something that threatens to run off a valuable contributor.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not commenting here on the quality of your participation, much more the quantity.
Its not meant to degrade you in any way, its more of a comment on the quantity of your participation. You've got 250 posts in four years here, however stepping it up and averaging about 10-20 posts a month in Sports betting for the past three months.

You, as with anyone who follows the site's guidelines, are certainly a welcome participant in this forum.

But when you get in a ePenis fight with someone who provides a valuable service to the forum (running the picks contest), who very frequently participates in the forum and constantly is regarded as helpful by the measure of the forum's participants, the situation qualifies in my book as "some person who really isn't much of a contributor comes on and does something that threatens to run off a valuable contributor."

Maybe I shouldn't have said the exact phrase "who really isn't much of a contributor" but in my opinion its pretty clear if you stack up your contributions to this board and Homer's, one has the other beat in both volume, in helpfulness, and in service to the community.

Regardless its certainly something that really is one of the worst things about being involved with a board like this. People who are valuable resources to the community (the pros or the brilliant minds in the poker side, for example) are often just one personal attack away from stopping contributing. We lost Utah as a very valuable poster in Sports Betting because of the actions of one person who brings zero value to this forum, so we had a big net loss. Likewise, here, you and Homer get in to it with a stupid series of personal attacks from both sides, omg its so serious its teh interweb, and we've got people up in arms and interested in leaving.
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