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Old 11-10-2006, 12:32 AM
EdmondDantes EdmondDantes is offline
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Default Re: BBV- Help me write a love letter


First, don't discount humor as a romantic tool; women find humor sexy. I say don't write a letter, write a poem. And not some cheesy dewey eye b/s one, make it clever and funny with a Dr. Suessian cadence. Make references to the things about her you find sexy, but with innuendo. Touch on things you've done together, bowling, Halloween, whatever. Figure about 5 or 6 verses and you're good. But make sure the final verse says straight out how hot, sexy, whatever you think she is. Remember, even Roseanne Barr wants to hear that she's beautiful. Then get a single flower (forget the rose, everybody does that, opt for a tulip or something similarly simple and elegant) and put it in a plain vase. Put the flower and the note on her nightstand (if you're living together) or on her coffee table (assuming she's got her own place). You get points for thought, creativity and humor, all of which women find sizably romantic.

That's a one time boost to your romance bankroll, but to take down small romance pots every couple of hands or so, you should also get a simple, nice candle (ivory, not white) and have it and matches handy wherever you and your girl hang out at home. Whenever you're having dinner or watching TV, dim the lights and fire it up. Don't make a big deal out of it, just do it and act like it's something you like. It's cheap, easy and keeps her feeling romantic. Bonus: everything looks better by candlelight.

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