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Old 11-09-2006, 11:57 PM
thejerkface thejerkface is offline
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Default Re: Forum Project Step 2-3

I'm lost with setting up Drupal. I downloaded it then extracted it. I then went onto my web hosting account and used the ftp client to upload Drupal. I watched the video listed here and it seemed like he moved a whole bunch of files when doing this. I only have drupal-4.7.4. It's 1.82 MB and a TAR file. So I uploaded that, and then went to create a MySQL database. I get this error message when setting up a MySQL database: "There was a problem performing the MySQL database Creation on your account.
User name, "drupal" has already been taken. Please specify a different user name."

I tried other names but I still get an error message. I'm doing something wrong, but idk what. Help please.
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