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Old 11-08-2006, 01:41 PM
milliondollaz milliondollaz is offline
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Default Re: my new radar detecting purchase

Any test runs yet million?

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Just got done driving 3.5 hours. This thing is a little too good. Here is my speed trap TRIP REPORT

so the detector went off a couple times in the first hour, some X band crap, no biggie. Then in the middle of nowhere, it starts beeping at me with K band. The signal gets stronger, and the beeps more intense. I slow down to 65 and get in the right hand lane. The thing continues beeping for 10 seconds or so, and then subdues. I go under an over pass, no more beeps, so I speed up. The beeps return, so I slow again. There is an overpass at the top of a hill a good 1/2 mile away, but the beeps are still going strong, and i'm at full radar strenght. as i go under the overpass i'm still beeping like crazy! this has been going on for a couple miles, so i start to speed up again, since driving the speed limit makes my skin crawl. the V1 is still going crazy, so i'm scanning hte horizon. BAM!! there he is! Cop in the tall grass, blasting people!

talk about trusting your instruments, man, i knew how good this thing was, and STILL wasn't patient enough to listen to it. but the bottom line is that this thing is phenomenal. before it i had been using a cheapo thing that my ex-gf bought me. the ranges of these two devices are uncomparable. I went through TWO OVERPASSES before i saw this cop. wow. def. a couple miles, and nowhere close to line of sight.

also, for whoever asked above, yes you actually can use a phone cord to power this bad boy. also, a neat little feature it has that i didn't know about is that if it gets a strange radar signal, it will beep to warn you, but then if after processing the signal it determines that it's not really radar, it lets off a different false alarm beep, and displays a J on the screen for Junk.

i'm very suprised by it's range, and very pleased with the purchase already.
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