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Old 11-06-2006, 01:35 AM
benjdm benjdm is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 265
Default Re: I Mean You Might As Well End It

So then why do people who believe that this is their fate, live their lives like they do? Going to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week, never taking holidays, watching sitcoms on television, and wasting their time reading crap on internet forums, not unlike this.

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Possibly, they are maximizing their happiness while they live ? Ya think ?

Logically speaking, it would make no difference if you killed yourself right now.

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From the cosmic point of view, no, it wouldn't make any difference. From the point of view of the one short life I will have, I am in no hurry to end it. I'll enjoy it while I can, thank you very much.

You would just wake up a little earlier from your pathetic dream that you wont remember anyway. You’re living a lie. You’re fooling yourself into thinking that there is meaning, and that things matter. Don’t tell me that you’re happy now and that’s all that matters. You’re not happy. I’ve seen you complaining about your wretched life, trying to change yourself, and better yourself. You’re dreaming right now, and your dream is not even pleasant, it’s a nightmare. I mean, you might as well just end it.

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Meaning is self-referential; I define the meaning in my own life. It is the only way meaning can exist for anyone. Any external source for meaning will result in infinite regress to higher sources of meaning -> no meaning whatsoever. There is no cosmic meaning to reality. There can't be. Even if I grant you a God and an afterlife, the God's existence has no external source of meaning; existence is still meaningless on an absolute scale.

In short: grow up.
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