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Old 11-05-2006, 04:45 PM
cowboyzfan cowboyzfan is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Please tell me who I should vote for

I am sick of this crap. If this is a Democratic poker site, then fine; to each his own. But the fact of the matter is that Democrat principles are anti-poker and a majority of Democrats supported anti-online gambling legislation is both houses of Congress.

I am against Kyl, I think he is a total jerk. Yet it is folly to think Pederson is pro gambing rights, he has NEVER said he was.

I think many are using emotion and not their 2+2 logic. The fact is historically most libertarians have voted Repub and most libertarian representatives are in the Republican party. Democrats believe in centralized state control, basically they think they know better how you should live than you do. I admit there are freaks in the Republican party such as Frist, Kyl, and Goodlatte. But think about it, one man, Bill Frist made this ban happen. I have never heard Bush mention the issue a single time.

If you are Dem vote Dem. But do not lie to many non political types by saying Dems are libertarian and support poker rights, it is simply untrue.
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