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Old 11-03-2006, 04:24 PM
maxtower maxtower is offline
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Default Forum Project Step 2-3

Looks like you guys have already started Step2 (acquiring a domain+hosting for 1 year), so here is Step 3. You should have received an email about this, if not, let me know.

Building a Site:
I am going to use Droopal or Joomla. I haven't decided which yet. If you are just going to do a simple blog, Wordpress is probably your best bet. I have used Wordpress and it is very slick. This is the Step 3 Q&A thread, so other experienced people can help me out. I don't want 10000 emails about this. Please post your questions into the Q&A thread, and if all else fails, then email me. Once you have one of these packages installed, start working on your content. I am going to be moving this weekend, and probably won't be able to setup my site for a few days after that. Once I have caught up to you guys, we'll move on to the promotion phase.

PS, should we move to another forum. I don't want to dominate this one, and I have had a couple offers from forum owners to use theirs.

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