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Old 11-02-2006, 11:48 PM
Pudge714 Pudge714 is offline
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Default Re: 6000th Post. Let\'s Try This Hand Reading Thing Again

I will expand on this later as I'm about to head out for the night, and for that matter I'm taking a train for the bulk of the day tomorrow and I can't respond then. FWIW there is a chance I make some drunk posting later night. Also FWIW I have a bit of buzz now so sorry if I offend anyone, namely Drzen.

Drzen you are wrong and you didn't seem to read my post.
I think most vilians are playing two pair or a set stronger at some point in the hand.
Therefore I eliminate those hands in my river range, yes they are there occasionally, but a very small percent of the time.

I don't think one pair hands are minraising the river, and I don't think air is minraising the river therefore I think villians most likely hand is a flush. As I said in my OP the river decision is really close and either is fine.


I have an regarding preflop it is close, however I probably complete too much and this isn't really the crux of the hand. Also I have a theory about completing which I might expand on later the jist is that starting a SNG with 1500 chips and 1480 your ROI will be the same.

I get I'm not the average donkey, but if I limp I'm leading this flop checked to almost every time.

I don't think I said anything about the river bet folding better hands. I said it allows us to fold to better hands for cheaper.
As for i whether it is a block or a value bet, can't it be both?

Ya I agree with you about the fact that a random limper can have any two, but in this example I'm assuming he is not an incredibly big donkey, just a regular donkey.
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