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Old 11-02-2006, 01:52 PM
John21 John21 is offline
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Default Why can\'t the Dems come up with a strategy?

I'm really at a loss to explain what the Democratic strategists are thinking. Don't they realize that by calling GW an idiot they're also calling everyone who voted for him an idiot? And by calling the war in Iraq idiotic, don't they realize they're calling everyone who supported it an idiot?

Whether you think GW or the war is idiotic, it doesn't seem to require that much common sense to know that offending the people you want the support of is not a very bright move.

They had an out with this entire issue, that would have allowed the Americans in favor of Bush and the war to save face, but for some reason, maybe pride, maybe arrogance, they chose to ignore it.

The simple strategy would have been to say that America and our troops have done their job and now it's up to the Iraqi people. Basically, spin it into a victory. Yet they continue to attack the very people they're hoping to convert to their view.

In my opinion, the Dems have missed a huge opportunity to advance their cause, but the Republicans have noticed it. The spin coming out of the White House is it's the Iraqi people's problem. And a few more instances of the Iraqi government interferring with and redefining our military's rules of engagement, will be all the reason GW needs to justify a withdrawal.

All I'm saying is that nobody likes being called an idiot, and nobody likes being told they were wrong, and most Americans don't like being told they lost - yet the Democratic strategists seem to be doing exactly that.

Why can't they just say: like most Americans the invasion of Iraq seemed necessary at the time; we got rid of a tyrant; established a democracy; and sent a very clear message that any regime that in anyway supports a terrorist attack on Americans will be destroyed. That's all the American people need to hear.

It just seems like they're more concerned with being right, than doing what's right for the American people.
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