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Old 11-02-2006, 04:55 AM
aggie aggie is offline
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Default Re: 50-1 plo, fire 3!!

I like the turn bet as opposed to CRAI because you probably have more fold equity that way. I also think the river bluff is a must. The flop is fairly draw heavy so he could easily be on a draw and as you mentioned, everything missed.

There is some chance that he will fold a 2 pair type hand but that is doubtful because not much has changed. So if he's calling flop and turn with a made hand he'll probably also call river. But i don't think he has a made hand that he's willing to get allin with. If he did, wouldn't he get it in on the turn as opposed to letting you get there?

Anyway, i think he'll fold at least enough to make a river bluff 0 EV
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