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Old 11-02-2006, 03:07 AM
MEbenhoe MEbenhoe is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: La Crosse, WI
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Default Re: the age of * is over

To all the complainers,

If you are so worried about the * system, then don't post in OOT, no one is forcing you to. There is a wide variety of forums offered to you at 2+2. Each have their own unique community and rules that go along with them. If you don't like the community and rules of a certain forum, then don't post there. However, if you would like to post in OOT then in order to help keep the forum clean there are a few rules you are asked and expected to follow. If you fail to do this you are going to get reprimanded for it. In a forum that large being soft on rules does not work.

So lets say you've screwed up and been given a * for your screw up, from that you have 2 options.

Option A - Take the * for what it is, just a warning, and move on. Be a good poster, continue to contribute, and eventually with time you'll notice that the * eventually disappears.

Option B - Whine about your * to anyone who will listen to you because although you didnt care when that other guy who made a stupid post got a *, and perhaps you even cheered for the *, but you, well you're just too important to be given a star so you'd better bitch to the entire forum until justice prevails.

If you're the type to choose Option A, you're probably a great poster who won't make the same mistake again and soon enough the * will be forgotten. If you're the type to choose Option B, then the * was probably a great thing as all you do is detract from the forum with that type of attitude anyways.
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