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Old 02-02-2006, 02:07 AM
gumpzilla gumpzilla is offline
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Default Re: OT: Hand Ranges Assistance

It's a pretty vague question, and you sometimes have to wait more than 45 minutes, but here's what I've got.

In general, probably the easiest thing to do is to try and assess the strength of your opponent; that is, given their bets, try and determine approximately how good you think their hand is. Is it weak? Is it mediocre? Is it strong? You can then think about what kinds of hands will fall into these different groups (and it's important to remember that what your opponent considers strong or mediocre might differ strongly from what you think these things mean.) and just try and be as general as possible.

The other distinction that I can think of that is meaningful is whether you think your opponent has a made hand or is drawing to something. Trying to establish draws that your opponent may have is generally pretty easy given the board. Flush draws announce themselves, and straight draws usually aren't that hard to see after a little practice as well. One note is that with straight draws you generally need to think a little more about how realistic it is that your opponent is drawing to that particular straight, as there are generally more plausible ways to draw to a flush.
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