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Old 11-01-2006, 04:22 PM
MyNameIsSamSnead MyNameIsSamSnead is offline
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Default Re: Halp us Jon Carry!

I'm glad to see these soldiers are more concerned about a botched joke from an politician who is not even running for office this year than the fact that:

1) they are in a country that is teetering on civil war and where 67% of the population want the US out;
2) they are short about 100k-200k troops to keep order in the country;
3) October marked the third highest monthly death toll for US Soldiers
4) There appears to be an open-ended commitment with no end in sight
5) Soldiers are in their third deployment to Iraq with reserves stretched thin and National Guardsman pulling duty they are not trained for.

But this is what concerns them. After they're finished with this clever sign, they can stack it neatly against the one that reads: Mission Accomplished.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't realize that taking 15 minutes to make a sign means you have abandoned all other concerns.