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Old 10-31-2006, 06:15 PM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: I need advice on achieving my goals wrt sexual intercourse

your best bet is to work with what you've got. What is that, you ask?

You're in college and all different kinds of girls are forced to interact with you daily through class, clubs, walking across campus, the campus bookstore, the cafeteria...there will never be a time in your life when you will have access to this many members of the opposite sex at once.

So what do you do about it? Find a girl or two who shares your interests, your major, needs help in a class you both have, etc. Next time you're getting a sandwich and see a girl sitting by herself, ask if you can join her. I know it's scary, but you HAVE to get over that and do it anyway. If she says no, oh well, maybe the next one will say yes!

Join a few clubs that interest you and I guarantee you will be talking to girls in no time. (Assuming the clubs you join actually HAVE girls in them, hint hint)

Don't try to be cool, don't try and act like you're suave or know stuf you don't. It won't work. Just be yourself, be a little self-patronizing about your inexperience with women...some girls will eat this up. Really.

I think you've got a great attitude and I bet you'll be talking to some cool girls in no time, as long as you don't let the process overwhelm you.

good luck!
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