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Old 10-31-2006, 12:25 PM
RayPowers RayPowers is offline
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Default And now... the mother in law...

My mother in law has left her boyfriend of seven years in Idaho, and come to live with us. She's expected to stay with us until early to mid-January, where she will then move in to the condo that my sister-in-law owns when their tenant moves out.

This is week one, and aside from all of her stuff suddenly being in my house, this is the good times. Yesterday she vacuumed, did all the laundry, and had dinner ready when we got home.

But come now, we all know this won't last. Who's had their mother-in-law stay with them for an extended time frame, and what secrets do you have for dealing with extended visits?

Don't get me wrong, I actually get along with my mother-in-law. I have no issues with her. I just know that the lack of privacy is going to get to me. Also, its hard enough to get sexy sexy time with a 3 and 4 year old. Throw a mother in law in the mix and if I get any more often than once a month for the next two months and I may be estatic...

Advice? Stories? Should I SCKM?

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