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Old 10-30-2006, 02:25 AM
LucidDream LucidDream is offline
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Default Re: Help: I need to find a money manager

Taylor, do not put your money in a mutul fund with some clown who's job is to sell you on his company and their picks. If you are going to blindly put your money into the market which I do not suggest, then I echo the advice of putting it in a Vanguard 500 index fund.

I personally think though that you should educate yourself on this matter and make a decision on your own. I understand that you want to play poker and make money and that is your focus. I want you to understand though that the amount of money you are talking about could be life changing if you know how to manage it. I know you have said you don't want to play poker forever so I really suggest learning how to make the smartest plays with your money. I don't know far enough about any of this myself to give you any specific advice but I am in the proscess of educating myself currently.

GL with it, just don't let some guy sell you on something that isn't best for's his job to sell you on it. Many of these funds aren't beating the S&P 500 so why not just invest in a S&P 500 index?
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