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Old 10-29-2006, 05:18 PM
fish2plus2 fish2plus2 is offline
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Default Re: what are you required to tell your significant other

Here is another question, you are in a relationship. You are 100% in love with her, and you feel that she would be the perfect woman to raise a family with, and to be your wife. At the sametime, you still desire to have sex with many other women. You do not want to get to know them, you do not want to be friends with them, you do not want them to be your wife. You only want to have sex with them and then leave immediately.

Most people will claim that you are not ready to be in a commited relationship if you still want to sleep with other women.

The problem with this argument is that men, imho, will always want to sleep with other women. Some guys will claim that they dont, but I think they are lying. I cant remember the last time I saw a 10 standing in the subway and every guy over 12 not take a look at her. If he is looking, than he definitely wants to bang her, he is just not willing to admit it to himself. Newsflash: Being attracted to someone, is exactly the same as wanting to bang them.

Another intesesting thing to me is that I think if a man cheats on his significant other, that she will often not dump him. She does not want to lose him to another woman. From her perspective, why should she give him up?

These ideas are all over the place. I just find differences between men and women, and what society says is OK, and not OK, to be very interesting. I believe that many peoples ideas of what is right and wrong have been established by what they see in TV and witness in real life, and that they have NOT come to these conclusions through their own thought and analysis.
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