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Old 10-29-2006, 03:35 PM
shortline99 shortline99 is offline
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<u>Chuck Norris</u>
A vigilante character. Chuck Norris may make one night kill each night. He may elect to refrain from taking a kill, but cannot do so on consecutive nights (thus, Chuck Norris must make a night kill AT LEAST every other night).

Winning Conditions: updated. At the time of Chuck's death, or at the time of the game ending (village or evil faction or Jekyll/Hyde wins), Chuck must have killed as many or more evils than goods (neutrals count for neither). For example, killing two evils, two goods, and one neutral means Chuck has won. Killing one evil and two goods means Chuck has lost...

<u>Patton's Baby</u>

Carter is just a baby.

Powers: updated. As a growing boy, he becomes stronger and stronger as the game progresses, gaining more and more vote power. Exactly how much vote power he will possess on a given day will not be revealed. He wins with neither good nor evil; he has his own secret win condition. If, perhaps, you can deduce who Patton's Baby is, his vote can be used to a votebuyer's advantage...

Winning Conditions: Unknown.

<u>The Neutralizer</u>

The Neutralizer does not see good, nor does he see evil. He sees only indifference. Kept in isolation in the Poggopolis Correctional Facilty, he has no escaped with a vengeance.

Every night, beginning with night 1, he may submit a name by PM to me. If that name is the name of a player with a neutral role, that player will die at a random time during the following day, but at least two hours before deadline. This may happen suddenly, and without warning. When this occurs, the Neutralizer succeeds at his mission and leaves the game. If the name submitted is not a neutral role, the middle of the next day will pass quietly and nothing will happen...

Winning Conditions: Kill a neutral role in the manner described, or be the last neutral character left alive. If the Neutralizer dies the same night as the last other neutral character left alive, he still loses.

<u>Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde</u>

A character that evolves throughout the game (assuming he isn't lynched/killed during the process). Dr. Jekyll is PMed that he is a regular villager. But he's not.

However, during the first night (ie, just before the game), Mr. Hyde will take over for the first time. In the morning, a scene will be found that will contain the subtlest of hints regarding which player is actually Mr. Hyde.

Left unimpeded, the second and third nights will see the Hyde personality attempt to kill another player that is somehow "attached" to Jekyll's daytime persona. What this "attachment" means (someone who votes against Jekyll? someone who defends Jekyll?) will remain ambiguous. Jekyll (the player) will remain unaware of his condition. The chance of this kill being performed is 50%. If unsuccessful, the targeted player will still be revealed in the thread as having been attacked (although their role will not be disclosed). During this phase, Jekyll wins with the village. He may be killed by any night kill unless protected.

Further, if any player suspects that he/she is Jekyll, they may ingest a potion in an attempt to cure themself. This can be done during day OR night, and the results will be revealed instantly. If that player is INDEED Jekyll, they will be cured and have satisfied their own winning requirements. They remain in the game as a regular villager. If that player is NOT Jekyll, they will die.

If Jekyll lives uncured to see night 3 (or the third "game-night" -- since the first one is Night 0, the pre-game scene), he will fully morph into Mr. Hyde and be notified of that fact. At this point, Hyde has become a serial killer and wins if he is the only player left alive. He gets a night kill each night, which can kill anyone (evil or good). This state will endure for nights 4, 5 and 6.

However, Dr. Jekyll still lurks inside of Mr. Hyde, and his kills will be successful at only a 75% rate.

Whenever one evil faction is eliminated entirely, Hyde's kills will become successful at a 100% rate.

Win Conditions:

1)Wins with village if he dies before becoming Hyde, wins as last person left alive if he becomes Hyde.
2)May drink the potion before night 4 to cure self

<u>The Flying Great Pumpkin</u>

Brings chaos. Wins with village.
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