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Old 10-27-2006, 09:07 PM
JohnnyBax JohnnyBax is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 31
Default Re: JohhnyBax flames my call.

1st of all, it was good playing with you last night. You played very well.

2nd, the comment...


As you can see, I had inadvertantly left my caps lock on from rooting for a Jack...


I had meant to capitalize the AQ and nothing else. Seeing people type in all caps drives me mad.

Anyway, I am not typing this PM to tell you about the caps lock. My point is that I didn't call you a donkey, [censored], retard, moron, idiot, or any of the myriad names we all see online every day, nor would I have typed any of them if my hand lost the race. The reason I typed it was not to insult you at all, as you were certainly justified in making the call(your isolation push was the perfect play btw) as you were getting north of 2-1. I typed it to send a message to the rest of the table that if all my chips go in, I will certainly have a premium. Of course, we both know this isn't the case. Ironically, I ended up totally card dead and blinded off a ton as I was sandwiched between 2 monster stacks. I actually ended up shoving w/33, A8o, and finally 63o without showdown, then finally called off all my chips with A-rag like a donk. My words were typed so that I could steal a bunch, which I wasn't able to do anyway.

Please do not take offense, as it was certainly nothing personal. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in the future.

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