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Old 10-27-2006, 09:00 PM
bellytimber bellytimber is offline
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Location: Jonestown IN
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Default Re: Favorite Microwavable dinner

The quest for good microwave food has ruled most of my adult life. The guys who are saying Amy's Cheese Enchilada are on the right track, but Amy's Cheese Enchilada is a little spring-2005. My favorite current microwave meal is Amy's Mexican Casserole. It's a litmus test item for grocery stores, only half the Safeways in SF carry it. It's super tasty.

But forget that stuff for a second, and behold...pandora's icebox:

(my old freezer after Safeway had a 2 for 1)

Savvy Faire was the Holy Grail. They went out of business last year, mostly because vox populi=vox moron but also because Savvy Faire meals had a higher salt content than Lot's wife. But whatever, the difference between a carefully cooked Savvy Faire Roasted Chicken meal and everything available today was honestly not a difference in degree, but in kind.

I'm getting angry again. I'm going to stop here.
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