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Old 10-26-2006, 09:15 PM
Arnfinn Madsen Arnfinn Madsen is offline
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Default Re: Monoploy: Luck or Skill?

There is tons of skill involved in negotiations, if you are good at trading you can improve your winning chances a lot by finding creative tradings with different players. Also a lot of skill knowing which color are worth going for when etc.. However, sometimes there is simply nothing to be done, when I played the final in the Norwegian championship the winner got a full color and a blocking street in all other colors except 2. He was smart enough to never trade, he even rejected to get the best street for the worst (giving me the worst color and him the best) even if I offered a lot of cash on top. Since the color he got is so much cheaper to build on than the 2 he did not block, he got a positive cashflow early and we got a negative one and thus we were chanceless.

As a tip, the mistakes 80% of the players do, is that they try to get one of the expensive colors, the clue is to quickly get one of the cheapest ones, thus their negative cashflow from hitting your buildings will unable them to ever build on the expensive ones. If the game drags out however, due to the constant influx of money, the expensive colors will get most valuable, but between good players the games should never last that long.
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