Thread: The gay lisp
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Old 10-26-2006, 05:20 PM
Borodog Borodog is offline
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Default Re: The gay lisp

I didn't say that the theory was that all men spoke with a gay lisp. The theory is clearly that gay men are more disposed to the gay lisp than others. I don't buy it. They might be more disposed to a feminine way of speaking because of brain anatomy, and some of them might have a lisp, but I don't see them being more disposed as a group to the "gay lisp."

Besides, isn't that like saying that all men who were dresses are transvestites?

Besides, it can't possibly be right. If one concedes that there are some portion of straight men who speak in an effeminate manner (there seems to be such a trend among men in the deep south raised by higher society domineering mothers in my experience), and that some portion of all men speak with a lisp, there must be some small number of effeminate, lisping straight men. Who are probably very pissed off.
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