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Old 10-26-2006, 03:38 PM
SmackinYaUp SmackinYaUp is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 629
Default Re: Well FullTIlt rejected my rakeback. I did not have an affiliate

Looks like UB will become my new home. Here is a copy of the e-mail I sent to FT and their response. Remember, I put in the rakeback request the same day affiliates started spamming our e-mail and way befofore FT came down on them for advertising it everywhere.


I recieved the following response from my would-be affiliate today. I
understand that FullTilt cannot switch affiliates but I never signed up
through any affiliate. I simply signed up for the account on my own a
couple months ago. I haven't even clicked on any Full Tilt advertising
banners that could have tracked to me when I signed up. The only
explanation is that there is some sort of mistake or maybe some
affiliate has somehow attached themselves to my account without my

Getting this misunderstanding all cleared up would be very much
appreciated. Knowing that I have a steady rakeback plan always
motivates me to play more and generate way more rake than I would

I have always been very impressed with your site and have even sent
e-mails in the past simply to say thanks. I am glad to play on a site
that has always provided such great customer support and the best
software in the industry. I would absolutely dread having to give my
business to an inferior site where I can get rakeback but unfortunately
with the new legislation, tougher online games, the fact that poker is
my job, and a recent downswing, I would be left with no other option.

If that ends up being the case, then I will leave with no hard feelings
and hope to one day play at Full Tilt again.

Thank You,

xxxxxx xxxxxx



Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we are no longer switching existing players to Rakeback accounts. I realise this causes a certain amount of frustration and inconvenience but at this time there is nothing more that can be done.

Once again I apologize.

Best regards,


The Affiliate Team at Full Tilt Poker
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