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Old 10-25-2006, 05:09 PM
spidey74 spidey74 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 61
Default Re: They are weaklings, make them quit.

I went to Claire McCaskill website and I could find no mention of online poker or personal freedom. Has her opponent Jim Talent openly supported the ban in any way?

What about in Tennessee?? I know Bill Frist is a senator from that state, but I don't think he's up for re-election. Who is the candidate we want to support in that state, and what candidate are we against (specific names please). I live in California, but I know a whole bunch of people that just moved to Tennessee when Nissan moved it's headquarters over there earlier this year.

If we are going to focus on a point, we need to make sure it is aimed at their heart and not at their left toe. Though I admit that they are rare, there were a handful of politicians that did speak up on our behalf. Are any of them up for re-election? If not then what about politicans that openly supported the ban. Are any of them up for re-election.

Squarehoop1, I don't want to derail any of your efforts, but I think it is important to identify the right place to focus. It would be much harder to try to shift our area of focus later. It's better that we do a little more work to pick the best point the first time. Everyone, let's identify the best place and post all detailed evidence you have on why it is the best place to focus. On any of the tight races, are any of the candidates openly for are openly against the prohibition of online poker? Would any of them be willing to support a carveout. We need to make some phone calls.

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