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Old 10-25-2006, 10:54 AM
Aces McGee Aces McGee is offline
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Default Re: Blogs: What do you read?

I don't read blogs much at all, but the one I do check out from time to time is Lore Fitzgerald Sjoberg's

He is an Internet humorist and columnist at Wired; he was one of the founders of the now-defunct Brunching Shuttlecocks humor Web site (the archives still work, and there's some great stuff in there. He doesn't update that often, but a lot of his stuff is really very funny. He also founded Little Fluffy Industries, a review site and repository of free online games (I think people here have mentioned it before). He doesn't work on that anymore -- he passed it on and it hasn't been updated since January.

This goes beyond scope of this thread, but on the right-hand side of his blog, he has a "More Lore" box with links to all his humor projects. A lot of it is a continuation of Brunching Shuttlecocks stuff, and whenever there's something new he mentions it in his blog, but the archives are worth perusing if you have time.

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