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Old 10-24-2006, 11:40 PM
JaredL JaredL is offline
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Default Re: Why should I vote?

Barring civic duty type arguments, which you've eliminated, if it is costly to vote then there are two not mutually exclusive reasons you would vote:

1. You drastically overestimate the probability with which your vote is pivotal (ie removing your vote the election is a perfect tie or your preferred candidate is behind by exactly one vote). This probability is pretty much zero unless it's a mayoral election and you live in a town with a few families or something.

2. If your vote were pivotal and you didn't vote (and your candidate lost), you would feel completely devestated, possibly suicidal.

If it is costless for you to vote, which is most certainly not the case, then you should vote due to the infinitesimal expected loss in utility from having not voted when your vote would be pivotal.

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