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Old 10-24-2006, 12:21 AM
archangel archangel is offline
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Default Re: Borat movie on youtube

He's on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, and it asks if he has made the funniest movie ever

"One evening this summer, a number of Hollywood's finest comedic minds gathered in a Los Angeles screening room to watch an early rough cut of a new comedy, awkwardly titled Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. The audience, which included legendary stand-up comic Garry Shandling, Simpsons writer George Meyer, 40 Year-Old Virgin director Judd Apatow, and Curb Your Enthusiasm star-creator Larry David, thought they were just there to offer the filmmakers a little helpful feedback. When the movie ended and the lights came up, everyone realized they'd just seen something totally original, perhaps even revolutionary. Capturing the sense of collective astonishment, Meyer turned to Apatow and said, ''I feel like someone just played me Sgt. Pepper's for the first time.''"


(some spoilers)

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i'm really looking forward to this movie as well but i cringe when i hear hype like this ... no movie can live up to this kind of hyperbole.
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