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Old 10-23-2006, 11:19 PM
MrWookie MrWookie is offline
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Default Heroes 10/23 Thread (Spoilers)


This show just keeps getting better and better. Which is amazing, because it doesn't seem like enough happens in each episode, but it sure is fun to watch. And every preview looks even better than the last.

While there were predictions of a light and a dark Petrelli Bro., it's looking like they both might be good.

Hiro continues to be a badass.

I'm not convinced the Dad is actually much of a villain. It's not like he's looking to bump off his (step) daughter, or at least it doesn't seem that way. I think we have yet to see the true villains in future episodes (other than Sylar). I'm actually really curious about the villains. In animated productions, it's easy to suspend disbelief and assume a mad scientist bent on distruction or whatever, but they're going going to have to be really careful with the motivation of the villains in this, since they're trying to make it so real. It doesn't seem like the Dad wants to be behind nuking NYC, so I'm curious who is.

Predictions on DL (Milf's hubby) being a hero or villain?
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