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Old 10-20-2006, 08:06 PM
Madtown Madtown is offline
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Default Re: Friend busted for child porn, wtf?

He wasn't a friend (pretty much all of us in HS considered him most likely to shoot up the school -- in a rural town of ~2k, there aren't a lot of candidate, but he was one for sure), but I was on the cross country team with him for 3 years or so and he was in my graduating class. Heard a couple years back that he got arrested here in Madison along with another guy for going through one of the grad student resident areas (primarily Asian and other minority students), pounding on doors, making threats, yelling racial slurs. He was apparently big into white pride stuff.

Not surprising, since I always figured he was batshit crazy.

Oh, and a girl from my graduating class in HS did a pretty good one. She and I were never really friends but we were at least semi-nice to one another, she got into a fair amount of trouble in HS, all standard slacker stuff. Couple years later, she faked that she had cancer, got the town and the hospital she worked for here in Madison to raise about $24k, then took off to Texas for "treatment."
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