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Old 10-19-2006, 07:14 PM
KOTLP KOTLP is offline
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Default Re: Moyers on America: \"The Net at Risk\"

Re: cream analogy - We are talking about data transfer communications which is a fundamentally different type of thing. If you want to stick with it though, something like this would fit better.

You and a friend make tasty home made ice cream. It becomes popular among your family and friends, and you decide to start a small side business, making a few extra hundred dollars a month doing something you both enjoy. One day your cream supplier calls you to inform you that, effective immediately, all supplies of cream will be replaced with a crappy, non-dairy alternative that tastes bad and nobody will want ice cream made from. But, he adds, you can sign up for a new premium service which will give him access to the normal good stuff again for a flat $300/month fee. You further find out this has nothing to do with some sort of cow epidemic, but a few of the companies that control virtually all cream distribution are simply working together to eliminate competition and prevent another Ben and Jerry. And not only do you need this premium service to stay in business, you can't even go back to making ice cream for yourselves anymore without it.

More importantly, the issue of net neutrality is about much more than allowing fair competition among e-businesses. It's about preserving preserving free speech and equal access to the web for all.

So the answer is

A) more regulation limiting those "special rules"

B) just get rid of the special rules that are choking "real competition"


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A) isn't stated correctly, but I support both net neutrality and deregulation.
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