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Old 10-19-2006, 09:27 AM
pvn pvn is offline
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Default Re: Moyers on America: \"The Net at Risk\"

And I don't see how restoring the neutrality we had until last year is related to a "next move to further deregulation".

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Let's say the net neutrality move fails; the incumbents start their tiered pricing. Everyone starts complaining. How long before someone tries to remove the regulatory hurdles that are in place that are the primary reason the big guys are the big guys?

I admittedly haven't thought a whole lot about the issue yet, and missed the last half hour, but it seems to me without net neutrality there potentially won't be fair competition.

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There's not fair competition WITH it. Again, you have totally ignored the regulatory regime that has made the current market look like it does.

If the providers charge sites a "toll" for a faster pipe, I'm not sure youtube, for example, would have ever made it. I still haven't heard a good reason to be opposed to it.

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Because the data pipe providers own the pipe, and should be able to do what they want with it. Of course, plenty of people don't think that's a good reason.

If I take all of your resources, my fledgling business has a better chance to make it. I haven't heard a good reason to oppose my taking all your resources.
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