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Old 10-14-2006, 03:13 PM
NT! NT! is offline
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Default Re: Middle set deeeeeeeep OOP vs 2p2er and fish

Thanks for all the responses

One thing I should have mentioned is that the fish in this hand plays really weird so I had a hard time putting him on anything, I have seen him play top full house really weak and I have seen him repot the flop with a low end straight.

My main concern with betting the turn is that I will get raised off a hand that has lots of outs and good implied odds with the fish in the hand. I'm not so much worried about getting raised off a better hand, though, as villain is not raising me with a lower flush if I bet the turn again.

I hemmed and hawed for half a minute or so and made the call. 2p2er told me my flush was good. Both opponents had made a straight on the turn.

I like villain's bet here since he knows it's hard for me to overcall with a small flush and the fish is going to call a lot with hands that tie or lose to his straight.
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