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Old 10-13-2006, 03:18 PM
OrianasDaad OrianasDaad is offline
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Default [Pooh-Bah post] Offline study with Pokertracker.

I thought I'd share one of the notes I have on a player, that I developed offline using study of their play in PokerTracker. It took me around an hour and a half, observing probably 300 or so hands, interpreting different stats.

I do 2-3 of these per week, and I have become a better player for it.


VPIP: Broadway, PP, Axs, Ax, KQs-K6s, QTs-Q9s, JTs, suited conn.
PFR: AA-88, AKs-A9s, AKo-AT, KQs, KQo
Steal: 77-55, Ax, Kx, QJo-87o, QJs-76s

Playing style: slightly loose, aggressive pre-flop, moderately aggressive post flop.
This is a slightly loose, and sometimes tricky player. He likes to see flops, particularly from the small blind for one bet. He cold-calls frequently, usually with a suited hand, and isn't terribly position sensitive. He slowplays flopped two pair or better nearly every time, raising or check-raising on the turn. He will typically bet or raise top pair or better. He appears to be a fairly decent hand reader, picking good spots to get aggressive. He is very likely to bet or raise if he raised pre-flop, and when he doesn't, he's been showing down monsters. The only hand he appears to slowplay pre-flop is AA, which he will cold-call on the button. He will often defend his blinds with a check-raise on the flop. He also appears to be aware of pot odds.

How to beat:
He folds about 40% of the time on the flop, so even in a 2-bet pot I'm getting equity to bet him out of the pot if he checks to me heads-up. However, with made hands out of position I might want to slowplay the flop and lead out on the turn. I can be nearly certain that if he's betting the flop, he only has a pair, so I know where I stand most of the time. If he's made it to the river, he nearly always has some kind of hand. In short, I can pick up lots of small pots against this player, but if he plays back at me, I need to have a legit hand. When he check-raises on the turn, I should have a hand or draw that can beat at the minimum two pair.


This really doesn't work well unless you have a couple thousand hands from this player in your database.
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