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Old 10-12-2006, 06:47 PM
jkamowitz jkamowitz is offline
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Default An Update

Thanks for all the responses, I'm glad to see people are as torn on this as I am.

Stealthcow: as per that conversation it went as follows,
Me: Would you really want to be in a relationship right after breaking up with a serious boyfriend anyways?
Her: No, well maybe with you yes.
Me: Well, I'm sorry, i'm not saying it would never/could not happen but you know my opinion on relationships especially in college and how they end in people angry at each other and often friendships are lost.
Her: Yeah
Me: Well yeah I dont want that to happen to us. I dont want to be that guy.

So after she got into a large fight with her boyfriend and called me to tell me that they were on the verge of breaking up I went over to her room. She seemed to be ok although in a weakish mood and I consoled her and listened to her go on about their fight. "He's just so boring" She kept repeating ". . .and he's not even good in bed." I told her that she's in a bind because of the distance and that of course things would be different between me and her as well as her and him if he lived closer.
She agreed. I told her my opinion of their relationship (she's a heavy partier and he's not, she's a die hard liberal and he's in the airforce, they don't have much in common) etc. and she agreed.
Note: I kept reiterating that it was tough for me to be both her friend and this guy she wants to sleep with and that my opinion is just that. It was important that she did not take my advice as objective. She understood and I explained that I have nothing against this guy and that he seems like a nice guy. I told her I did not want to break them up but that she should be happy and right now she most certainly is not. I went home that night and ignored her text to come back.

Nonetheless, she came over and spent the night last night and stayed well into the day. She asked me if we were dating and I asked her what she thought. She said no and I quickly agreed.
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