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Old 01-30-2006, 04:59 PM
hockey coach hockey coach is offline
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Posts: 162
Default Re: BORGATA Main Event Hand

Some read analysis would be helpful here - but I'll make some normalizing assumtions: 4K has been the standard table opener - nothing signaled by your opening raise; you haven't been particularly aggro/tight so your raise is being respected but doesn't necessarily imply monster given your position; likewise villian hasn't been overly aggro/tight. Given those assumptions:

14K reraise strikes me as discouraging action so prob not AA or KK - most likely range: AQ+, 99-QQ. While he has less than an avg stack his M is still fine - he shouldn't be feeling desparate.

He's only got 19K behind so he's committed unless the flop looks horrible to him and you lead out - so I think you can add his 19k into your implied odds if you hit your hand.

I call the 10k and plan to: check/fold a complete whiff, check/call his push if an A or K fall, lead out if I hit a a semi-bluff flop. If I don't put him on AA/KK then I'm getting the right price to hit my hand and the 10k call doesn't dramatically alter my chip position (the check/fold on a whiff sounds weak/tight but I don't think it is given the stack sizes). I don't like pushing here - you have no fold equity and are -EV to his range (at least where I put him). I won't argue too strongly that a fold is wrong - I think it's acceptable here.

How'd you make out in the tourney?

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