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Old 10-11-2006, 12:04 AM
wdcbooks wdcbooks is offline
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Default Identify this car please!

I am not even a car person really, so I have no idea why this is bothering me so much.

I live in Virginia and some kind of high performance car pulled out in front of me. I didn't get a good view from the side or front, but I was behind it, so I can describe that.

The model of the car was in block letters on the back. It has just escaped my memory. I believe it started with an S and the A in the middle was represented by a stylized triangle. It had a dual exhaust in the center and had a very square muscular profile. I suppose that is a fancy way of saying the rear was square and not pointed. Saveen maybe? Google isn't helping because I can't get close enough to the actual name.

The exhaust sound alone was beautiful. Throaty and powerful without being loud or obnoxious.
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