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Old 10-08-2006, 11:14 AM
DrModern DrModern is offline
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Default Re: Roger, I\'m queening it as we speak (NC Thread)

Sorry I didn't get around to making an awesome drunkern post.

Instead I got hammered, danced a lot, played a sweet drinking game called "Rock, Paper, Scissors," in which you line up ten cups, and fill them to ~beirut level and then play RPS with the loser drinking one cup for each loss. It involves nothing but drinking and competition and is therefore awesome. I also saw some of my old friends from the team who graduated but who came back for "alumni day," which was sweet.

As for Wookie's life beat, that's terrible news! I've had a similar experience in a different discipline for what it's worth. It's very easy to spend a long time detailing and defending an idea in philosophy that turns out not to work. Very frustrating, but it's never been of I-can't-take-my-qualifier proportions. Tough break, dude, but good luck.