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Old 10-06-2006, 03:36 PM
cartman cartman is offline
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Default The Safety of Our Funds

I think it is a safe assumption that none of us knows for sure the way the online poker landscape will change as a result of the recent legislation. But whether the games are available, tougher, etc. are all long term issues in my opinion.

The immediate concern for me is that either a site and/or Neteller will suddenly refuse to allow me to withdraw my funds in the name of the new legislation. For me to have sufficient lattitude regarding my number of tables and sometimes number of sites, I typically need at least 500 big bets total in the sites and Neteller combined and often as high as 1000 big bets. Although I realize that it is extremely unlikely that this money would be "stolen" from me, such an event would be catastrophic.

I am aware that it may not make sense for a given site to refuse to return American players' funds because of the potential adverse impact on it's non US business. But Neteller for example could conceivably find itself with nothing to lose by the time the regulatory dust settles and consequently be more likely to simply refuse to pay us. I am less than exuberant about betting 500+ big bets on the ability of the poker sites to act rationally.

Why should I not be afraid?

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