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Old 10-05-2006, 09:54 AM
Coffee Coffee is offline
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Default Re: Girls and the \"friends zone\"

1)Girls do this to cater to their own egos. Having guy friends who want them make them feel attractive. Bear this in mind.
2)You are completely screwed with this girl and should move on, unless you really enjoy the friendship on its own merits. Truth be told, I think you'll find the wind going out of your sails when you realize she's not going to ever want you as more than a friend.
3)The only way out of the zone is if you call her out on calling you attractive but not wanting to ruin the friendship. The whole "I don't want to ruin the friendship" may be the biggest line of [censored] in the world. Tell her to her face that it is BS. Make reference to the friend zone and how you're in it. I'm not saying you'll get anywhere, but if you call her out on her [censored] and shake her up, you MIGHT(probability = 1% or less) get a favorable reaction.'ll piss her off/creep her out...but at least it'll be something different.
4)The best thing to do is run, run, run from this girl, since you obviously don't want to be in the friend zone.
5)This advice is from a guy who hasn't gotten any in a couple of years, so take it for what it is.