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Old 10-04-2006, 08:58 PM
GrandmaStabone GrandmaStabone is offline
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Default ***OFFICIAL*** LOST season 3 premiere thread

Alright it's on, this should be awesome.

No hockey discussion plz.

Quick recap (this is just a late season 2 refresher and assumes you folllow LOST)

**SPOILERS if you have not seen LOST through season 2**

1.) Jack Kate and Sawyer have been taken by Fenry gale and the others

2.) Hurley is running (or whatever you call the truffle shuffle he does) back to the camp to send them a message from the others

3.) Michael and Walt were released by the others with specific coordinates to escape the island on a boat (a gas boat nonetheless, hmmmm)

4.) Sun (my girlfriend), Jin and Sayiid are on Desmonds sailboat headed for the other' camp. They passed the remains of a statue (only the foot remained) with four friggin toes!!!

5.) Desmonds ex, the daughter of Charles Windmere, has located the island via the electromagnetic pulse. When the scientists she had watching for it noticed, they said that they thought they had missed it again !?

6.) It seems as if the timer and the numbers are in place to periodically release the electromagnetic energy that builds up on the island. At the end of season 2, they did not press it and all hell broke loose. Desmond crawled under the hatch to turn on Dikshits doomswitch. When he did a white light engulfed the island. He went into this knowing it was a suicide mission (was it!?). Locke and Ecko were in the hatch when he hit the switch so they may (?) have also been killed.

7.) Charlie escaped when this was happening, when he got back to the camp he was talking very strange, as if he didn't know what had just happened.
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