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Old 10-01-2006, 12:31 AM
AJFenix AJFenix is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Default Official October thread: General Discussion, Goals, Winrates, etc

September was a crazy month, and unfortunately it ended with the Frist legislation getting through. Hopefully my optimism is correct and online poker, even though it may take a hit, will still be very profitable for a long time to come. Perhaps it will even expand further in the coming years due to Spanish, Italian, and Asian involvement, or the enforcement of the entire process will be a joke. We will see. For now, good luck in grinding out more money in October.

Feel free to post the following within this thread:

Best players/how others are doing
Personal stats
Coaching requests
Anything going on within the MSNL community
Any hands you want to share that you aren't really looking for strat advice on
Other general discussion that doesn't require its own thread