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Old 09-29-2006, 08:39 PM
IHateCats IHateCats is offline
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Default Re: URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

I'm fully aware of all of this but WTO complaint processes take several years to go anywhere, they aren't really binding for years past that especially against the US because of it's leverage and it's unlikely the the UK government would pick a fight with the US over this in the current enviornment on behalf of a bank or two over this issue. Sure legally they could but it's highly, highly unlikely as a matter of practical politics.

Equally as a matter of practial politics, the current Justice/Treasury departments have shown themselves very willing to push the envelope on plenty of controversial issues that satisfy it's right wing base. Will they? I don't know either but saying that there isn't any way that they could target Neteller is completely inaccurate, they could quite easily and relatively effectively go after Neteller.
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