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Old 09-29-2006, 01:43 PM
OrigamiSensei OrigamiSensei is offline
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Default Re: A different sort of stats question

Solid simply means that relative to my stakes and newbie status I'm not doing a lot of super stupid things to cost myself money pre-flop. My stats are reasonable - can 16/9 be that far out of line? I rarely get bitched at in reviews except for missing an occasional situation or playing occasional hands from the loose chart in EP. I'm not doing a lot of cold-calling, I'm playing off a decent chart, etc. One thing that does worry me about my pre-flop play is that there's not enough variation in VPIP from early to late position. My button VPIP is just over 14% and that sucks. I think it was over 20 at .05/.10. Yet when I review my hands (and I review every single hand I play) I'm not seeing how to increase it without getting myself into a lot of marginal post-flop situations I'm not ready for.

I steal roughly 30% of the time, a number that's a little lower than I'd like it to be. However, I've been trying to table select better so I'm hitting more situations where steals won't be all that successful. Also I've been doing a little more stealing from MP2/MP3 and that's not accounted for in the stats.

Not sure what you're looking for on the chance to steal thing. Chance to steal and raised is definitely profitable to the tune of 23BB/100 (maybe you're thinking it's a little TOO "profitable" in BB/100 terms from not enough stealing?). Chance to steal and call is positive but basically break even, chance to steal and folded is a small loss from folding dreck in the small blind.

Jaran, thanks - unload on me, bud, since I need it.

I apologize to all for this turning into a whine-fest on my part but I gotta tell you right now my confidence is completely shattered. I thought I'd hit this wall at 2/4 or 3/6 or 5/10, not .25/.50.
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