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Old 09-25-2006, 02:21 PM
ShakeZula06 ShakeZula06 is offline
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Default Re: Mandatory front page AC thread: Security in AC land

This argument that war is not profitable is insufficient. Sure it's not profitible for "the people" but neither is ANYTHING else the government does. The important thing is that the ruling class gets their loot, and they certainly are, aren't they? More and more every year.

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That's a pretty good arguement for AC is't it?
Basically the problem is, you claim that the state would not emerge out of whatever starting conditions you claim, and yet in history the state has emerged.

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Well, in the past people wanted government. ACists have had no qulams with the fact that AC could not come unless the people wanted it.
What is so different about now that this would not happen today?

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Respect for property rights, sufficient resources for life, and one thing not fullfilled yet, which is a want for AC society by the people.
I would claim that if you somehow eliminated the state, it would re-emerge much, much faster than before, simply because that is what most people think is good and right (whereas before the state existed it is harder for people to accept being taxed and jailed, etc.)

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If it happened today, yeah. I doubt people would be jailed or taxed in AC land, do you?
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